But Did You Die? is the fifth hilarious instalment in the New York Times bestselling I Just Want to Pee Alone series. This book is a collection of terrible (but also kind of good) parenting advice from some of the funniest moms and dads on the ‘net. And that one super helpful childless friend we all have who loves to tell us we’re parenting wrong. Put your kids in front of the TV and let them eat junk while you read this book and laugh your tail off. We set the bar low so you can feel better about your parenting skills. You’re welcome. If you’d like to order an autographed copy of this book, send Kathryn an email.
I Just Want to Be Perfect is the fourth book in the New York Times bestselling I Just Want to Pee Alone series. Whether it’s the hot new diet that involves only eating what you can forage from the floor of your minivan, bleaching everything from your hair to your teeth to your butt hole, or clearing your clutter by mindfully thanking your ratty underwear for its long, dedicated service before you toss them, we’ve all tried something to be more perfect. We all try to strive for perfection and balance in our lives, and most of us fail–spectacularly. These are those stories. If you’d like to order an autographed copy of this book, send Kathryn an email.

Motherhood is STILL the toughest – and STILL the funniest – job you’ll ever love. We know that raising kids is hard work. The pay sucks, your boss is a tyrant, and the working conditions are pitiful – TGIF means nothing to a mother! You said it before and you’re saying it again, “I STILL just want to pee alone!” I STILL Just Want to Pee Alone is ANOTHER collection of hilarious and heartwarming essays from 40 MORE of the most kick-ass mom bloggers on the web.
Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor
Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor contains stories of hope, despair, and hilarity by writers who are walking the mental health journey, as they discuss their experiences with Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia, Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, and more. Some of these essays will make your heart ache; some will make you cry with laughter, but in reading this anthology, you will see that living with mental illness doesn’t equal a life of endless misery. Join us as we ‘laugh stigma into submission’ by growing attitudes of acceptance and compassion.

Taking a cue from the original naked explorers of authentic sin, Clash of the Couples is a hits-close-to-home anthology featuring a collection of completely absurd lovers’ squabbles and relationship spats. Think couples fight over kids, sex, and money? Think again! Furniture, the last beer, and where to store the placenta are what genuinely ignite our feuds. And no argument is off limits. This book has it all!
Scary Mommy’s Guide to the Holidays
In this handy holiday guide, you’ll find everything you need to survive the fall/winter rush of cheer in style, and without having a mental breakdown. From relatable, hilarious essays on everything from the Santa myth to being seated at the dreaded kids’ table, to easy-to-follow recipes that might include just a little something special to take the edge off (can anyone say Kahlua?), to fun and accessible gift ideas, this book is your ticket to peace of mind—and a laugh—during the busy, crazy holiday season!

These tales of Wonder, Woe and WTF?! share a glimpse into the lives of other moms, who are a lot like you. Through their tales, we’re reminded to savor the little things (like capturing extra morning snuggles), to let go of the stresses (they won’t be in that unfortunate phase forever), and to be grateful for the laughs that the unexpected brings (because laughing is better than crying and it may be the only workout our abs get!). So shake up an easy-to-make martini, put your feet up (quickly, before the kids find you) and join us on our journey as we toast to the many clink-worthy moments that motherhood brings.
It’s Really Ten Months: Special Delivery
Welcome to the club of parenthood, however the heck you got here. We promise to make you laugh and give you that much needed break in the middle of all the crazy. Are you having strange cravings? Have you asked yourself what in the hell is happening to my body? Have strangers touched your belly? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then this is the book for you! Prop up your cankles, grab a bowl of your favorite ice cream covered in olives and have a laugh with our crew. Things are about to get real.